Hello World

Hello Everyone! Yes, i have done it. I have given in to Blogging. Hopefully now i can keep everyone better posted on what is going on in the universe of Heather Boren.
I actually have pictues to post but I have to figure that out first after work. This has been a lunch break update from Corvallis.

Peace out People!


ThE RaSmUsSeN's said…
welcome to the blogging world, I can't wait to see your pictures and read about your adventures in Corvallis... Hopefully we'll be part of those adventures soon!!
Oh you poor sucker and dork. Giving into blogging eh. Soon you will base your self worth on how many friends and comments you get on your blog... JUST LIKE ME!!! Just kidding. Let's be friends again!!! www.claytonandheidi.blogspot.com
i am very happy you are on the blogging scene! post those pics and if you have any questions, just ask!
Heather said…
thanks everyone. You have all been added as friends. Clayton we are totally friends again! You are right too I have been checking to see if anyone comments. I am doomsed !!! hehehe just kidding.

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